iPad 11 Pro
The iPad 11 Pros from The Edge offer versatile tools for creative pursuits such as tablet-based drawing, design, 3D scanning, photogrammetry, and audio-video applications. State Library members can access a variety of make and design programs on these iPads, along with provided Apple Pencils.
Equipment may only be borrowed by people with a State Library of Queensland membership with Queensland residency status who have completed a General induction at The Edge.
Ensure the iPads are used within The Edge building only.
Further booking information;
• Bookings may be cancelled if you do not arrive within the first 15 minutes of your booking.
• Items can be booked one day in advance and for a maximum of 4 hours
• Please return the equipment at the end of your booking
Please read through our Terms of use on our Getting Started page on the State Library of Queensland website.